Monday, October 25, 2010

Who is Astara?

Those of you that know me, know that I use the name "Astara" quite often.  Those that are just getting to know me, may wonder, "I thought her name was Traci".  Well - I am both.

My parents gave me the name of Traci, but when I was discovering who I truly was, I chose the name Astara.  It all started when I received a set of Angel cards from my sister in law.  Angel cards are similar to Tarot cards, but they have angels on them and not the typical Tarot symbols.  I was shuffeling through the deck and thinking about who I was, where I had been, and where I was going.  I was questioning my recent choice of separating from my husband of 8 years and living with my parents.  I was obviously on a new path in life when the Astara card fell out of the deck.  The card told me: "You deserve the best. Reach for the stars with your dreams and desires, and don't compromise." I then knew that I was on the right path; that what I had chosen was correct and that everything that I would be doing from that point forward would point me in the right direction.

This may seem hokey to some people...  but to me, it was what I needed. I believe in fate, and dreams, and destiny, and intuition, and karma.  And to this day, when I feel myself falter - I remember my ethereal name:  ASTARA.

What do you turn to when you feel yourself falter?

1 comment:

  1. beer. =)

    and my collection of comedy albums, that remind me not to take things so seriously, to laugh life in the face, and to keep on keepin' on.
