Monday, November 15, 2010


So my sleep has been riddled with crazy dreams lately...  people from my past have made guest appearances in my dreams and have made me wonder why they are showing up when they obviously aren't part of the show anymore.  This has made me wonder what dreams are all about.  Are they really our subconscious speaking to us through visuals in our sleep?  Are they messages from beyond that you are receiving? or is it just your brain downloading thoughts and events from the day and they really don't mean anything at all?

I'm not going to get into any of my dreams, because the last thing I need is other people analyzing my craziness!  I will give you my opinion of what dreams are though - as I am hoping you tell me yours in return.

I believe that dreams are the door to our innerself.  As our brain is creating a data dump from the day's processing, your subconscious is finding a way to file all of the information into cabinets for later reference.  I think that as this data dump happens, you are given answers to questions and problems that you may have been facing in recent awake hours.  I also believe that people that have passed are able to visit you in your deepest sleep.  Yes, this is getting a little "out there".....  but this is what got me thinking this.

Back in highschool, a very close friend of mine was killed in a car accident.  I was able to attend the wake, but not the funeral and I had always felt guilty for this.  I was also very concerned about the way he died; did he suffer at all, was it an immediate death, etc.  A few days after his funeral, Tom appeared in my dream and answered all of my questions.  I confirmed the information with his sister and it turns out that everything I had "dreamt" was true.  Believe it.....  or not.  This is not the only story that I have regarding death and dreams either. 

So.. tell me....  what do you think dreams are?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Who is Astara?

Those of you that know me, know that I use the name "Astara" quite often.  Those that are just getting to know me, may wonder, "I thought her name was Traci".  Well - I am both.

My parents gave me the name of Traci, but when I was discovering who I truly was, I chose the name Astara.  It all started when I received a set of Angel cards from my sister in law.  Angel cards are similar to Tarot cards, but they have angels on them and not the typical Tarot symbols.  I was shuffeling through the deck and thinking about who I was, where I had been, and where I was going.  I was questioning my recent choice of separating from my husband of 8 years and living with my parents.  I was obviously on a new path in life when the Astara card fell out of the deck.  The card told me: "You deserve the best. Reach for the stars with your dreams and desires, and don't compromise." I then knew that I was on the right path; that what I had chosen was correct and that everything that I would be doing from that point forward would point me in the right direction.

This may seem hokey to some people...  but to me, it was what I needed. I believe in fate, and dreams, and destiny, and intuition, and karma.  And to this day, when I feel myself falter - I remember my ethereal name:  ASTARA.

What do you turn to when you feel yourself falter?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Beginning

Well - I said yesterday that I wanted to start a blog....  here I am a day later - doing what I want.  I don't claim to be a writer, or a blogger.  I'm just an everyday person that has the need to put her feelings down on "paper"... 

I've been introduced to three blogs these last few months and I'm hooked.  The first was written as an outlet as she was considered a "shop-o-holic" and she wrote to replace shopping.  Her words were wonderful... the way she described each and every day - just normal happenings.  She really had a way with words.

The second was just recently.  A friend of mine's mother had passed away and he decided to take life by the reigns.  He and his girlfriend quit their jobs to travel the United States.  When they get the chance, they stop at places with internet access and update their travels.  It is through him, that I am traveling vicariously throughout the United States.  I feel like I've been through Detroit, up to the UP, through Montana and eventually South Dakota. They have made it much further...  I have just not caught up with all of their writing.

The third, I've just purused a little...  but she is full of life and passion (and fashion)!  I cannot wait to read everything that she has written and I'm sure that through her, I will find other blogs to become addicted to.

I think it is because I'm reaching an end to my online schooling and will need to find something else on the internet to occupy my time.  What better way than to record my thoughts and entertain the masses?  What do I plan to write....? Well, that remains to be seen.  Perhaps it will be some poetry.  Maybe it will be some profound thoughts that I have about life.  Maybe it will be about my heroes....  or a good book that I've just read.  I have no outright goal with this.....   just to record my thoughts and feelings.  I hope you enjoy them!